Google Ads Policy for

Contact Information:


Address: 3535 Lake Forest Drive, New York, USA

Advertising Guidelines:

Accurate Representation:

Advertisements must accurately represent the products or services offered on Misleading or deceptive ads are strictly prohibited.

Clear Disclosure of Affiliate Relationships:

Ads promoting affiliate products or services must clearly disclose the affiliate relationship. Users should be informed that clicking on the ad may result in commissions for

Prohibited Content:

Ads containing illegal content, including but not limited to, hate speech, adult content, or fraudulent activities, are strictly prohibited.

Quality Landing Pages:

Ads must direct users to high-quality landing pages that are relevant to the ad content. The landing pages should provide a positive user experience.

Respect User Privacy:

Advertisers must adhere to privacy laws and policies. Avoid collecting sensitive information without clear consent, and ensure compliance with applicable data protection regulations.

Compliance with Google Ads Policies:

Advertisements must comply with Google Ads policies and guidelines. Any violation may result in the suspension or removal of ads.

Transparent Contact Information:

Ensure that contact information provided in the ad is accurate and transparent. Users should be able to easily reach for inquiries or support.


Non-compliance with these guidelines may result in the removal or suspension of ads without prior notice. Repeated violations may lead to the suspension of the advertiser’s account.

Contact for Concerns:

If you have concerns about the content of our ads or believe there is a violation of our policies, please contact us at

Changes to Policy:

This policy is subject to change without prior notice. Advertisers are encouraged to review the policy regularly to stay informed about updates.

By advertising on Google Ads, you agree to comply with these guidelines and any updates made to them.